Register now for Yoga/Zumba!

Dear Friends of SNAP,

We hope this finds you and yours doing well during the on-going COVID-19 pandemic.  It’s been a challenging time for so many in our community.  We can’t wait to see our wonderful SNAP participants, mentors, and supporters in person!

With the fall approaching, the SNAP board would like to update you on future programs.  We are monitoring the Massachusetts and MIAA guidelines and hope to be able to offer a few sessions of hockey, soccer, and flag football later this fall. 

In the meantime, we will be offering our yoga/Zumba program via Zoom.  It will begin on Friday, September 11, from 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm, and it is open to middle and high school students who receive special education services.  There will not be a fee for this program, but we do ask that participants register for it.

Stay tuned and stay well,
The South Shore SNAP Board of Directors

Noelle Jarosz